As the end of the school year approaches, you may wonder how you’ll celebrate, reflect, AND keep your students engaged before summer arrives. This list of 5 fun activities will help you celebrate the end of the school year with students, and includes a Google Slides template for each activity!

1. Candy Awards
The Candy Awards are a great way to celebrate each student’s contribution to your class. Use the slides template and add each student’s name to one of the award slides. Bonus points if you bring in the corresponding candies for their trophy!
Perfect for: elementary and secondary students. You can change or add to the descriptions depending on what works best for learners!

2. Greatest Hits
Think about your class like a soundtrack, and ask your students to reflect on your classroom’s greatest hits of the year! Whether it was a favorite class activity, favorite place to have class, or favorite learning game, allow students to vote and then design a class period during the final days of school that incorporates all of the above! Use this slides template to kickstart your thinking.
Perfect for: elementary and secondary students. You can change the descriptions and examples to reflect your classroom!

3. Year-in-Review Trivia Game
Want a way to review student learning…but fun? Use this slides template to create your own year-in-review trivia game with questions that review all of your units of study! Pro tip: have students vote on their favorite songs to play during the trivia game and have a student DJ!
Perfect for: elementary and secondary students. You can change the structure of the game, specific rules, content questions, and length of time to best support your learners!

4. Class Raffle
Rainbow raffle tickets are a fun way to encourage your class norms and expectations as you approach the end of the school year. Adapt this slides template to list ways students can earn tickets in your class, and then use this blank raffle ticket template and hand out tickets to your students in the final weeks of school. Host a drawing during the final days of class where students can pick from prizes like choosing the class activity or game!
Perfect for: elementary and secondary students. You can change the descriptions and examples to reflect your classroom norms and expectations.

5. School of Fish Celebration
Now that the school year is coming to an end, honor each student’s important contributions to your classroom by creating a presentation using this slides template that describes each member of your school of fish! Then, have a fish-themed celebration, including goldfish crackers, fish-themed crafts, and games!
Perfect for: elementary students. Pro tip: cut out each fish and give them a cut-out with their name on it to take home for the summer!
Incorporate these activities into your final weeks of school and celebrate the end of a great school year with students!
About the Author

Julie Kuntz holds a B.A. in English and a Master’s in Education. Drawing on her years as a Middle School ELA Teacher, Julie develops content that is practical and highly engaging! Additionally, she is passionate about fostering equity in schools.
Fun Fact: Julie and her husband own a custom home renovation company, Custom by Kuntz!