Learn About Our Organizational Partnerships

The Danielson Group
The Danielson Group mission is to create a just and flourishing society by promoting teaching that is joyful, humanizing, and focused on equity. They believe in education for the development of identity, intellect, and character, and in professional learning that honors the power, wisdom and moral leadership of teachers.

KDP inspires and equips teachers to thrive. Excellent teachers build thriving communities and create lifelong opportunities by providing quality equitable education for all.

AMLE: Association of Middle Level Education
AMLE is the only international organization of its kind for middle school educators. With a community more than 35,000 members strong, AMLE is the go-to source for middle level education peer-reviewed research, best practice, and professional development.

RPPL: The Research Partnership for Professional Learning
RPPL brings together professional learning (PL) organizations and researchers who study teacher learning to identify the features of PL that improve students’ classroom experiences, well-being, and academic growth, with a specific focus on students from historically marginalized groups.

IMPACTFUL creates award-winning, evidenced-based film programs for schools, businesses, and non-profits. Rooted in curiosity, empathy, and resilience, their Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT) fosters connection and positive action through storytelling, active listening, and conversation.

Mindprint Learning
MindPrint is the only MTSS solution that uses objective cognitive data to identify student strengths and provide strategies personalized to students' learning needs.

GeoVisions provides educational and cultural exchange programs for international students and teachers.
GeoVisions is a small New England business with a big mission: to create global neighbors through honest, personal exchange.

The ISTE vision is that all students engage in transformative learning experiences that spark their imagination and prepare them to thrive in learning and life.
Teaching Channel courses have received the ISTE seal signifying high-quality product design for solutions that enable and guide high-quality learning.

Educators Rising
Educators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who reflect the demographics of their communities and who are passionate about serving those communities through public education, Educators Rising is changing the face of teaching..

Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals
MASSP is a professional educational association of over 1,300 active and retired middle level and high school administrators. MASSP supports, advocates for, and provides professional development to our members. We are committed to improving instruction and achievement for all students.