Grow Classroom Skills with Video-Based Instructional Coaching

ENGAGE Feedback enables coaching, self-reflection, peer feedback, growth data tracking and access to a vast video library of exemplars all in one platform.

ENGAGE Feedback Enables Meaningful Mentorship

Teachers are looking for ways to have a greater impact on their students. Our ENGAGE Feedback video platform lets them record their instruction, reflect on their strengths and identify areas of improvement. Video creates instant replay for teacher and observer–allowing for convenient feedback, recorded or live.

 Video Content


For video-based observations, teachers capture video using our mobile app or any device, in any video format.
Reduce Overhead on Observations


For video-based classroom observations, observers embed feedback in key moments during the lesson.
Observation & Feedback Tools


Access 1,600+ classroom exemplar videos to help educators observe and learn new strategies.
Sub Copy here


Observers easily create a detailed report based on feedback collected and then share reports with teachers.
Empower Teacher

Empower Teachers

Teachers are looking for ways to improve their practice in the classroom for their students. ENGAGE Feedback lets them record their performance, reflect on their own, ask peers and mentors for assessment or even submit videos to observers, all in one easy-to-use platform.

  • Upload videos of classroom instruction for self-reflection
  • Share videos with peers, observers, and school leaders for feedback
  • Create and connect with professional learning communities
  • Embed notes or questions for future reference or to provide context for observers
  • Engage with their instructional growth data in real-time
  • Identify areas of focus and enable teachers to take charge of their professional development
  • Access 1,600+ exemplar videos from the ENGAGE video library
  • Access resources tied to their goals and needs

Empower Observers

Observers are looking for ways to easily see where their teachers are so they can give actionable feedback for immediate use in the classroom. ENGAGE Feedback lets observers give feedback and tie it to professional development opportunities all from wherever they are.

  • Conduct video-based or live in-person observations
  • Embed comments, notes and resources in the video or real time
  • Tie feedback and resource assignments back to instructional frameworks
  • Craft narrative feedback based on comments and notes from observations
  • Providing ratings on instructional frameworks either formally or informally
  • Track their own scoring practices against the norms in the district
  • Reference 1,600+ exemplar videos to use in instructional coaching sessions
  • Upload resources for teachers
Empower Observers
Grow Together, Support Each Other

Empower Administrators

Managing classroom observation and evaluation schedules is now easier with ENGAGE Feedback. Whether scheduling a live review session or reviewing teachers’ video submissions, a teacher can submit themselves at their best and you’ll be able to reduce the administrative time it takes to coach teachers.

  • Create scheduled windows for video and in-person teacher observations
  • Track observations progress
  • Track progress on development goals
  • Review completed reports
  • Review observation results at the teacher or observer level and pull detailed reports to meet specific needs
  • Configure summative evaluation systems and manage internal and imported data, generating final reports at the teacher, school or district level

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View The ENGAGE Video Library

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Generate Instructional Focus Reports