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April 24, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions for Teachers

Use humor in the classroom. Laughter has the power to fuel engagement and help students learn.

2. Create & Maintain a Better Work/Life Balance

Alter your teaching in a way that allows for more family or “you” time. You dedicate endless number of hours teaching today’s youth, but how often do you feel as if you don’t spend enough time with your own children & family? Cut down your ‘homework’ to not exceed more than 2-3 hours a night. Be sure to leave time and energy in the day to take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Check out these four easy ways to reduce stress or enroll in our Course 5792: Refocus & Recharge: Strategies for Finding Balance in Teaching which explores a wealth of strategies teachers can enlist to attain professional & personal balance, avoid teacher burnout and recharge.

3. Bring Order to the Classroom

Be more consistent with classroom management & classroom organization. Now is a great opportunity to get your classroom organized. Here are some tips to organize your classroom and 12 Time-Saving Assessment Strategies to get your school life back in order.

4. Learn How to Integrate Technology into The Classroom

Continue to gain expertise in technology and learn fresh, innovative ways to incorporate it into your daily teaching. Students get excited and relate to technology so integrating new technology into your classroom will help keep your students engaged! Try out these top 10 technology tips for new teachers.

5. Connect with Students and Help Them Enjoy Learning

Help students feel that they matter. It’s easy to get caught up in covering content, but in the end, it’s important that students enjoy learning and that they feel important. Give my students more time to read for pleasure in the classroom- keep trying to reach students and help them value their education. Show students you care about them. This can help create a positive, supportive relationship and helps build an environment where learning can flourish.

6. Add Fitness into the Curriculum

It wouldn’t be a resolution list without some mention of health and fitness. Many studies have shown that even something as small as stretching every hour can have a huge benefit on your long term health. So, after each lesson, stretch a little! Or integrate health and fitness into your classroom by adding things like healthy eating lessons to your curriculum, integrate little movements throughout the class to keep attention sharp and boredom at bay and just encourage your students and yourself to take better care of your bodies.

7. Plan Your Move up the Pay scale

Whether you need to add professional development hours, graduate credits, or change positions, consider what your career goals are and get a move on them! Of course, we at Learners Edge would be happy to assist you in your professional development hours and graduate credits through our 90+ classes and Masters Programs designed to meet your salary advancement and license renewal needs.

There are so many more resolutions you can make, but for this year’s New Year’s Resolutions, consider at least one of the above. And do yourself a favor- follow through! After all, a happy teacher is a more effective teacher!

What resolutions have you made to make 2016 your best year yet? Comment below so we may share with our teaching community.


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