Preparing Preservice Teachers for the Classroom

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Liberty University has successfully launched hundreds of graduates into careers in education by reducing challenges associated with student-teacher placement for online students by using Teaching Channel’s Empower Platform.

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Obstacle: Bringing Real Classroom Dynamics to Life

The leaders at Liberty University sought an all-in-one tool to assign and track professional learning activities, using a library of authentic classroom videos to best prepare their teachers-in-training.

Liberty University has a significant number of students enrolled in their Online Bachelor of Education Degree. Serving a nationwide audience of aspiring teachers who need to meet varying state licensure requirements, students often opt out of the licensure element of the degree. However, Liberty University understands the importance of teachers-in-training having exposure to the classroom settings and sought a solution that could easily integrate into their curriculum, all while tracking professional learning activities and progress.

Solution: Comprehensively Bridging Knowledge to Application

Liberty University School of Education provides students with access to authentic video-based coursework, while professors can seamlessly track their progress, all from one place. 

The Empower Platform provides an all-in-one solution that illustrates diverse classrooms. By bridging teacher-in-training knowledge to real-life application through tools, resources, and video, the Platform allows students to complete assignments that showcase strategies that enhance instructional effectiveness. Professors can facilitate discussions around videos, timestamp key moments for analysis, and engage students in collaborative strategy development, effectively transforming theoretical concepts into practical skills.

Are you interested in learning how to best prepare your teachers-in-training for the classroom?

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Impact: Fostering Future-Ready Educators

The Empower Platform is continuing to accelerate instructional growth and understanding for the preservice teachers at Liberty University.

Liberty University has adopted an interactive approach using the EMPOWER Platform, fostering innovative curriculum development and critical thinking about effective teaching practices. This method enhances current learning and breaks down accessibility barriers enabling students to see a variety of classrooms comprised of different ages, demographics, and teaching frameworks. By leveraging the Platform’s immersive features and vast resources, Liberty University provides teachers-in-training with practical skills and a deeper understanding of effective teaching methodologies. 

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