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March 7, 2024

High-Impact School Leadership Bingo

Who says leadership can’t be fun? Use our High-Impact Leadership Bingo card to increase your impact on student and teacher learning!

Not a fan of BINGO? Print and post it where you can see it to help you plan your impact each day as a leader.

Are you an education leader who wants to make an impact? Discover more about important influences on learning like teacher estimates of achievement, school climate, and feedback in Course 5238: Practical Strategies for High-Impact Leadership. Move new learning to practice by collaborating with others to build collective efficacy, develop shared mastery learning goals, create an implementation plan for micro-teaching, and use questioning to dialogue with teachers about student learning. By the end of this course, you will be on your way to maximizing your impact on the students and the teachers in your school.

Downloadable Transcript

High-Impact School Leadership BINGO

  • Evaluate your impact as a leader this week.
  • Reflect on the feedback you give. Could it better support learning?
  • Engage ina professional dialogue with a colleague.
  • Reflect: What are your beliefs about whether all teachers and students can improve?
  • Use data to inform your next steps this week.
  • Build a new relationship with a teacher, staff member, or student.
  • Show a teacher how assessment data can inform their next instructional step.
  • Write five open-ended questions you can ask teachers to positively impact their professional learning.
  • Make a list of questions you can ask students about their learning.
  • Finish this statement: I made an impact on student learning today by…
  • Reflect and act on the feedback you’ve received as a leader.
  • Learn from someone else.
  • Collaborate with a peer to make more progress and increase your impact.
  • Review and analyze current assessment data around an area of concern.
  • Model that is it okay to make a mistake at school.
  • Plan an activity to help teachers improve student learning.
  • Focus on student learning this week.
  • Ask staff members for feedback about your impact as a leader.
  • Register for 5238: Practical Strategies for High-Impact Leadership
  • Do one thing today to make your school a safe place to learn.

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