‘Tis the time of year where teacher stress levels are running high. Coral Berta, a physical education teacher at Minooka Junior High School in the Chicago area, shared her great teacher strategies for managing stress inside the classroom, and outside the classroom.
Things I do to reduce my stress level inside the classroom:
- Take a deep breath
- Started to use the “when-then” strategy with students (“when you finish your assignment, then you can read they book”)
- Use “I” statements
- Think before I speak (so I don’t react)
- Walk away and speak with the student when we have calmed down and have a clear head.
Things I do to reduce my stress level outside of the classroom:
- Go for a run (this allows me to reflect on the day)
- Workout (take classes at the gym to release frustration and improve my health)
- Talk with my husband (to seek advice or just to vent)
- Spend quality time with my husband and kids
- Play volleyball (Friday night competitive league)
- Seek advice from friends and colleagues
- Craft projects
- Cook with my kids
- Clean my house
We don’t necessarily consider “cleaning our homes” a stress buster, but if it works for Coral, it may work for you, too! Give it a try, and share your teacher advice with ways to relieve end of the year teacher stress.
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