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April 24, 2018

How to Create a Procedures & Student Expectations Guide

Christopher Crandall- How to Create a Procedures & Student Expectations Guide

OL-855: What Great Teachers Do

After interviewing his professional peers, Tom Fischetti and Scott Schinto, Physical Education teacher Christopher Crandall developed a Procedures and Student Expectations Guide which clearly lays out his expectations for his Hawthorn South Middle School students. Setting student expectations is essentila to maintainig order and control of your classroom. Crandall’s goal is to ensure each of his students attains healthy development in all four domains: socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.


Hawthorne Middle School South

Physical Education

Procedures and Student Expectations

The primary goal of our program is to help students develop total well-being through physical, mental, social, and emotional domains. This goal will be met through achieving psychomotor, cognitive, and affective objectives.


1. Psychomotor: Skill improvement and development of fitness

2. Cognitive: Accumulation of knowledge as well as the ability to think and interpret that knowledge.

3. Affective: development of character traits such as the individual’s values, appreciation, attitude, and interests.


  • Self-improvement
  • Proper execution of warm-ups
  • Team-building, collaboration
  • Sportsmanship
  • Observation of skill/strategy
  • Skills tests/physical performance
  • Consistency and work habits
  • Class discussion, oral presentation
  • Written quizzes/tests
  • Respect for self and others

The final grade is weighted as follows and explained below:
80% Class Contribution and Achievement
20% Cognitive Assessment

GRADING Procedures:

Students will earn a daily grade based on the following:

  1. Class Contribution – Student is actively involved, is consistent in effort, develops good work habits in warm-ups and activities, follows directions, uses appropriate language, and displays sportsmanship and respect. Student shows respect for peers, teachers, equipment and facilities. Student is on time and wearing the appropriate Middle School South uniform with laced shoes.
  2. Achievement – Student will be evaluated on self-improvement in variety of health related fitness components, tests and concepts. Students will be evaluated on their ability to work well alone and with others in team-building concepts, respect and sportsmanship.
  3. Knowledge – Student will be evaluated on written tests, papers, class discussion, oral presentation, observation of rules/strategy during game play, application of concepts taught and other items required by the teacher.

Tardiness: All students are to be on time, dressed and ready 5 minutes after the class is scheduled to start each day. Students who are tardy 3 times will be issued a detention.

Uniforms: All students will be required to wear proper uniform each day.

Daily points to be deducted

ACAlternate Clothing w/ participation1 up to 10
ATAttitude1 up to 5
ECFailure to take care of Equipment1 up to 5
FDFailure to Follow Directions1 up to 5
IBInappropriate Behavior1 up to 10
LALeft assigned area without permission1 up to 10
MXMedical Exempt0 points deducted
NDNo Dress10
NPNo Participation1 up to 10
TATardy to Attendance1 up to 5

See your teacher to discuss their daily point procedures.


  • “Moving Into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education, A Guide to Content and Assessment” developed by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. (1995). Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill. 

Want to know how you can create your own expectations for your students and discover the sepcifict things that great teachers do? Then register for course DL-855: What Great Teachers Do and explore the beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and interaction that form the fabric of life in the best clasrrooms and schools.  Recommendations explore such issues as classroom management, testing, decision making, and clasrrom relationships.

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