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May 9, 2019

Mother’s Day Ideas

Using Instagram for Mother’s Day Craft Inspiration

It’s a Mother’s Day tradition for students to create something crafty to celebrate their moms. From the traditional-tried-and-true projects that use pasta or popsicle sticks to the mason jar indoor herb garden trendy, we’ve got you covered!

Here is a list of 10 Mother’s Day Instagram hashtags we hope will spark joy and inspire your students’ creativity: 


This Insta profile showcases projects that use paint, paper, popsicle sticks, pots, pasta, and pipe-cleaners. Your students will have fun creating with these easy-to-make projects. 


From simple, to slightly more complex, this account includes an article titled “What you need to do for your partner on Mother’s Day” as well as suggestions for funny cards. 


With the focus on primary students, the crafts here are simple and creative.


Food is fun! If you find yourself in an arts & crafts funk, maybe it’s time to break out the cookie cutters and get crazy! Most people enjoy a sweet treat! As you plan, remember food allergies and restrictions.


Making cards for moms is a chance for students to express themselves in writing, with art, or both! Your students may surprise you with their heartfelt sentiments and color combinations. Move over Hallmark! 


While this site offers crafting ideas for any time of the year, many of the projects can be customized to your celebration. Plenty of inspo here! 


Like Alice in Wonderland, @artwithjennyk is an Insta account I found as I ventured down many-a-rabbit-hole. Her cheerful “anyone can do it” attitude will encourage you and your students to give her ideas a try!  


Brilliant in their simplicity @iheartcraftythings features general craft ideas. Rachel’s “crafty things” can be customized to fit your class theme.


Who knew? An actual Instagram hashtag for Mother’s Day projects! Clearly, a find as it includes the classic Mother’s Day craft traditions from years gone by, as well as heartfelt ideas that celebrate moms.  


Target knows teachers and teachers know Target! Now that you’re inspired, head to Tar-jay for your art supplies (and maybe groceries, a swimsuit, toilet paper…) in one fell swoop! 

Enjoy creating! Happy Mother’s Day!


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