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April 19, 2021

Mid-Year Check-in: Assessing Your Year So Far

Congratulations: You made it to January!

For many experienced educators, January can feel like an exciting time to reboot. For new teachers, January can bring back feelings of disillusionment that may have started around November (be sure to read this post on staying energized if you’re in the latter category).

Whether you’re feeling dismayed or excited for the rest of the year, taking just a few minutes to reflect and plan can often make you feel a little bit better.

At the beginning of the school year, Teaching Channel launched our Back to School Starter Packs, a set of checklists and resources organized by grade band to help you start the year off on the right track. Now that we’ve reached the midyear point, we’re offering you a simple review sheet to see how well you’ve done with all of your plans.

A Progress Report for Yourself

Whether you began the year with Tch’s Back to School Starter Packs or not, now is a good time to assess how things are going:

  • Does your classroom space work for you and your students?
  • Are you happy with the class culture you’ve built so far?
  • Are you taking time to care for yourself?
  • Do you need an overall reboot?

Print out our handy Mid-Year Check-In and use it to do a little self-reflection.

The check-in asks you to review all of the items from the Back to School Starter Packs. It also gives you new resources from Tch to keep you inspired. You can use this mid-year check-in alone, or as a companion to one of the starter packs. No matter how you use it, we hope it helps you take the time to reflect and plan for an amazing second half of the school year.

Take a minute to print out the checklist and see how you’re doing. Maybe the resources will spark a new idea. Maybe just checking off boxes will make you feel accomplished! However you use the mid-year check-in, let us know. We’d love to hear from you.


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