Why Instructional Coaching is Important
Sometimes it takes a while to hit our stride in teaching, and feedback is usually pretty helpful. But scoot past student teaching and the survival mode into the instructional aspects… that’s when we need help yet again. As student teachers, we’re watched, evaluated, supported, and given specifics for improvement. Then comes that first outing alone in our own classroom, where management of said space and its inhabitants can feel like an episode of Survivor. But with or without years of experience, diving into the intricacies of instructional practice is always better done with the help of an objective eye, as we once had as student teachers.
Enter Instructional Coaching –the colleagues who have the perspective, knowledge, and experience to challenge us to move towards meeting our goals and realizing our potential.
Teachers of all experience levels are meeting regularly with instructional coaches, a trend that continues to gain momentum as new and innovative frameworks are developed, to discuss ways to improve their teaching and interactions with students. More and more educational professionals are training to become an instructional coach who can make an impact on teaching and learning in their district or building.
If you are an Instructional Coach, we rely on you! You have the responsibility to maintain a diverse toolbox and an approachable way to help your colleagues succeed, and we’ve got your back with a fantastic course just for you!
Course 5084:Impactful Coaching: Reflection, Support, Growth is a new course from Learners Edge focusing on deepening the role of an instructional coach who embodies reflective practice as the central theme, so educators can analyze all the elements of their teaching to reach their SMART-R goals. You’ll get ideas for stronger conferencing, questions, and feedback, and analyze several examples of coaching in action. This course is sure to refresh your coaching practice to the benefit of your colleagues!