Wendy Knapp, Learners Edge Director of Online Learning, has some teaching tips to share with you. A quick Google search of this facetious trivia question will give you an estimated answer of 10 million years. For the teacher struggling to find their way in this fast paced, technology driven, 21st century skills focused, social media infused society that we live in today – that’s a bit overwhelming to say the least. So, where does one begin? As a technology teacher I offer this teaching advice to teachers trying to figure out where and how to step into technology:
- Pick something you like to do; you’ll be more engage and motivated to learn.
- Enjoy photography? Why not learn to use Flickr or some other photosharing site.
- Love to write? Start a blog or wiki (remember- you don’t have to share it with the world- at least not until you are ready- you control who sees what).
- Feeling creative? Why not deliver your lesson in a new format; Voice Thread, Prezi, PowToon, are awesome to name a few.
- Collaborative spirit? Try Google Drive,or Google Hangouts
- Start small.
- Be Patient.
- Build.
Each tim you try a new technology, you’ll be surprise how quickly your skills will grow. Thing you learn in one application (especially when things go wrong…) make for the best learning experiences!
For more information on teaching with technology, check out Learners Edge Course #5061 Technology: Byte-Size, Big Learning. Or, browse for another course to meet your continuing education needs.