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April 19, 2021

Project LIT: Spreading the Word About Your Community Book Club

Editor’s Note: In this Tch DIY video series, Tch Laureate Geneviève DeBose Akinnagbe shares the process of creating and sustaining a youth-led community book club at the Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists (BSSWA) in New York City. The videos in this series are created with the support of Geneviève’s students.

In the first two videos in this series, I introduced you to Project LIT Bronx and shared how to start your own community book club. In this video, you’ll learn eight easy ways to spread the word about Project LIT in your school and the local community. From PA announcements, to connecting with your local teen librarian, to attending fun book events with students, you’ll walk away with concrete steps you can take to get more people involved in your community book clubs. I’ve also included two examples of flyers we’ve made to spread the word and a sample email you could use to reach out to your local librarian. You can find these under the supporting materials tab for the video on its standalone page. Here’s to spreading the word!

VIDEO: Spreading the Word About Your Community Book Club

VIDEO: Spreading the Word About Your Community Book Club


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