Surf’s up, and summer professional development is in full swing! Once again, our Curriculum & Instruction team has been hard at work to offer you new courses to ignite your learning and start the school year strong. Check them out!
- 5037: Stronger School Communities Through Improved Communication(3 credits) :Refresh your communication skills by learning new and productive ways to have conversationswith colleagues, creating a model for strong communicationthroughout the building.
- 5040: Increasing Comprehension with Close Reading in Your Classroom (3 credits): Using a notable text by literacy experts Kylene Beers and Robert Probst, learn how to use signposts with students as close reading techniques for reading fiction. This one is really going to deepen the connections your students make with texts!
Special Populations
- 5014: Reaching Success: How to Support Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders(3 credits):Explore instructional and behavioral strategies for students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Plus, learn more about writing, implementing and evaluating functional behavior plan (FBPs).
- 5034: Equitable Learning with Assistive Technology in the Classroom(3 credits):Finally! A course that offers ideas and strategies to incorporate assistive technology in your classroom for students with special needs.
- 5039: Transitioning to Adulthood for Studentswith Disabilities: The Future is Bright (3 credits): What happens once a student with special needs leaves school or graduates? Learn ways to help make this transition into adulthood a smooth one.
Teaching Excellence
- 5041: Five Fabulous Skills for Lifelong Success (3 credits):Students’ abilityto apply empathy, integrity, self-control, an embracing of diversity, and grit will largely determine their success in life. Learn how to make these skills an important piece of your daily instruction.
- 805: Connecting and Creating in Your Online Classroom(1 credit):This course offers a look at Google Classroom using G Suite for Education. Learn how to create interactive online spaces for you and your students to interact and innovate!
We are so excited to offer these new learning opportunities! Questions? Comments? High fives? We’d love to talk with you about any of our exciting new courses. Please contact us if you have any questions about any of our courses. We look forward to engaging you!
Learners Edge is passionately committed to providing you with continuing education coursework, materials, and tools that will help you succeed in your classroom and in your career.Offering more than 100 print-based or online courses for teachers, you can earn the graduate credit you need for salary advancement and meet your professional development needs. Contact us today to get started!