The role video coaching played in turning around an underperforming district

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Teaching Channel's EMPOWER Platform, supported Jackson Public Schools as they moved from being on the cusp of being state run to creating a culture of growth and support for educators.

Finding a Path Forward

Dr. Greene was appointed superintendent of Jackson Public Schools in 2018, shortly after the state had announced its plan to take over the persistently failing school district. He quickly led his team in developing a bold new vision and strategic plan for the district.

Obstacle: Poor Student Achievement

Find an effective and sustainable way for all JPS teachers to get the coaching they need to grow and for their students to succeed. 

With 40% of teachers being new or very young, Jackson Public Schools sought an effective and sustainable way to provide them the coaching and support they needed to improve their instructional practice, lead their students to success, and retain them as educators.

The district focused on creating a culture of continuous learning. Teachers felt empowered when seeing their colleagues, through the sharing of video, achieving success with students. By seeing excellence in action, teachers understand steps they can take to improve.

Solution: Utilize Video Coaching to Increase Coaching Capacity

Through video, teachers have the opportunity to self-reflect and receive the consistent support required to develop as educators and grow their confidence, empowering them to provide excellent instruction for their students.

The leadership team at Jackson Public Schools had their teachers create videos of their practice for coaching purposes and to use exemplar videos of teachers from within Jackson Public Schools and from other districts to increase their coaching capacity.

Dr. Greene and his team chose to adopt Teaching Channel’s Platform for the robust library of over 1,600 classroom videos, this resource provides their teachers with access to excellent teaching practices beyond their current capacity, and the video coaching platform enables their coaches to be efficient in proliferating excellent practices throughout our district.

Ed leaders, interested in learning how your district can best support your educators and transform your culture? 

Impact: Improved Instruction and Raised Student Achievement

Utilizing video coaching through Teaching Channel’s Platform has completely shifted the culture at Jackson Public Schools.

As a result of implementing video coaching through the EMPOWER Platform, JPS has improved their school district’s state accountability grade by two letter grades. This was achieved through the collective efforts of their teachers, administrators, and support staff, who all worked together to implement the program.
Despite the significant improvements they have made, the educators of JPS recognize that there is always room for additional growth and development. They remain committed to finding new and innovative ways to help their teachers improve their practice and to ensure that their school district continues to thrive.

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Through the platform, use recorded video to immediately reflect on instructional practices.

Peer-to-Peer Collaboration

Through the platform, use recorded video to quickly share and collaborate on instructional practices with colleagues in professional learning communities (PLCs).


Through the platform, record video to provide actionable content-specific feedback on video-based lessons to inspire and support professional growth.

Observer Calibration

Through the platform, improve inter-rater reliability among your observers for accurate and valid teacher observations.

Teacher Observation

Through the platform, create and provide detailed and meaningful feedback reports for formal and informal observations.

Educator Training

Create training experiences for dynamic and on-demand learning for teachers, observers, coaches and school leaders.