East Longmeadow
Public Schools
Welcome to the East Longmeadow Public School Academy of Professional Learning for Teachers!
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Teaching Channel, a trusted resource dedicated to empowering educators with high-quality, on-demand professional learning.
At East Longmeadow Public School (ELPS), we are committed to supporting our teachers’ continuous professional growth. In addition to using the $650 professional development funds for workshops or graduate courses, teachers now have the option to apply these funds towards ELPS-approved courses from Teaching Channel. This initiative allows teachers to earn up to 90 Professional Development Points (PDPs) or 6 ELPS Academy Credits in a given school year.
Key Details:
- Flexible Learning: Choose from a variety of self-directed professional development courses available through the Teaching Channel.
- Earn Credits: Staff can earn up to 6 ELPS Academy graduate level credits per year through these courses. These credits count toward the salary scale and recertification requirements.
- District Support: The district will cover the cost of any required textbooks for the courses.
- Accredited Learning: These courses are district-approved, ensuring they meet our high standards for professional development
How it Works:
- Course Selection: Browse the ELPS-approved courses available through Teaching Channel and choose up to 2 courses to take.
- Enroll: Complete this form with your course selection. You will also be asked to share your term dates (which can be found in the form instructions).
After submission of form, you will receive 2 important emails that support you in accessing your course and additional information about the course.
First email subject line: ‘Registration Processed: Accessing Course.’
Second email subject line: ‘Getting Started on Your Graduate Credit Coursework!’
- Complete Coursework: Engage in the course materials, complete assignments, and participate in any required activities.
- Earn ELPS Academy Credits: Successfully complete the courses to earn up to 90 PDPs (6 ELPS Academy Credits).
- Salary and Recertification: Apply these credits towards your ELPS step and lane requirements for salary advancement and PDPs for recertification. Please send your letter of completion for each course to [email protected].
Important Note: Teachers may earn a maximum of 6 ELPS Academy Credits through these self-directed courses per school year. This limit ensures a balanced and manageable approach to professional development. This cannot be combined with the $650.00 per teacher a year for graduate credit reimbursement.
For questions concerning ELPS Academy Credits, please contact:
Heather Brown, Director of Curriculum, [email protected]
ELPS-Approved Courses
Choose from more than 140 courses that have already been approved by East Longmeadow Public Schools.
Culture and Language
- An Educator’s Guide to Global Thinking and Cultural Competence
- Building Strong Relationships in the Classroom: Care to Connect
- Creating a Vision for Equity in Education
- Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom
- Cultural Competency from the Classroom to the Community
- Equity through Classroom Conversations
- Listening Skills for English Language Learners
- Making Content Accessible For Your English Language Learners
- Mental Health Advocacy and Allyship for Students of Color
- Mindsets and Skillsets for a Culturally Responsive Classroom
- Supporting Social Emotional Growth for English Language Learners
- The Legacy of Racial Injustice
- Unlocking World Languages through Comprehensible Input
- World Language Differentiation for Heritage and Native Speakers
- World Language Teaching Methods
- Docs, Slides, and Forms in the Classroom: Your Next Level Google Guide
- Empowering Students with Assistive Technology
- Enhancing Formative Assessment Practices with Technology
- Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy for Students
- Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World
- Teaching with Immersive Technologies
- The Keys to a Connected Google Classroom
Instructional Strategies
- Activate and Energize the Learning Brain
- Beyond Growth Mindsets for Learning Without Limits
- Bringing Students from Unfinished Learning to Soaring Achievement
- Co-Teaching: Partners in Practice
- Coaching Your Students to Action Using the Feedback Loop
- Cultivating Student-Centered Classrooms
- Empowering Student Assessment with Standards-Based Grading
- Engaging Learners Through Productive Struggle
- Inspire Student-Driven Learning with Questioning and Inquiry
- Making Mistakes Meaningful for Students AND Teachers
- Resolving Conflict in Elementary School
- Spark Deeper Learning with Thinking Routines
- Strategies to Make Learning Stick
- Transforming Schools Through Equity Coaching
- Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Create Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms
Solving the Reading Puzzle: Using Assessment to Drive Intervention
Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instruction for Early Reading and Writing Success
Vocabulary Instruction and Word Learning for Secondary Content Areas
What Every Educator Needs to Know about the Science of Reading
Increasing Comprehension with Close Reading in Your Classroom
- Deep Thinking Practices for the Math Classroom
- Leading Intentional Talk with Young Mathematical Students
- Math Fluency Beyond the Basic Facts
- Math Works: Teaching Math with the Brain in Mind
- Mindsets and Math: Enjoyment and Achievement for All
- Promoting Problem Solving Strategies in Math
- Transform Geometry Instruction with Engaging Manipulatives
- Transforming the Mathematical Experiences of Young Children
Positive Behavior Supports
- Building Peace Through Restorative Practices in Schools
- Creating a Positive and Organized Educational Environment
- Learning and Belonging in Student-Centered Classrooms
- Priceless, Proactive Classroom Management Practices
- Raise the Bar: Positive Interventions for Students Who Challenge Us
- Support for Students in Behavioral Crises
- Trust, Humor, Praise, and Connection for Meaningful Relationships with Students
- 3 Dimensional Learning with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Empowering Engagement Strategies in Science
- Engagement with Inquiry-Based Learning in Science
- Fantastic Phenomena-based Learning with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
- Questions and Connections with NGSS Science Storylines
Social Emotional Learning
- Advocacy and Support for Students Living with Depression
- Anxiety Awareness: Empowering Students with Help and Hope
- Breaking the Cycle of Student Drug Use and Abuse
- Caring for the Mental Health of Your Students
- Connection in the Classroom
- Empathy and Social Comprehension for a Compassionate Classroom
- Finding Resilience in Academic and Emotional Adversity
- Fully Wired: Understanding and Empowering Adolescents
- Grief and Your Students: Honoring, Sharing, Healing
- Mental Health Matters
- Nurturing Kindness in Classrooms, Schools, and Beyond
- SEL and Empathy-Based Bullying Prevention
- Social and Emotional Learning Starts with You
- Social Emotional Learning: Strengthening Hearts and Minds
- Suicide Prevention Strategies for Educators
Social Studies
- Engaging Students with U.S. Founding Documents
- Exploring the Multidimensional Complexities of War
- Help Students Change the World with Civic Engagement
- Multiple Perspectives in U.S. Colonial History
- Social Studies Instruction for Maximum Impact
- Think Like a Historian! Teaching Historical Investigations in Social Studies
Special Populations
- A Closer Look at Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia
- A Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Similar Behavioral Challenges
- Across The Spectrum: Teaching Students with Autism
- ADHD: Focusing, Learning, Teaching
- Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Students with Exceptionalities
- Creating Safe and Supportive Spaces for LGBT+ Youth
- Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Special Education Classroom
- Empathy & Understanding: The New Tools for Students with Challenging Behaviors
- From Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Invested: Creating a Culture of Safety
- Improving Outcomes for Students in Poverty: The Difference Makers
- Inclusion and Access for Students with Disabilities
- Mastering the Art of Better IEPs
- Neurodiversity: A New Approach for Students with Special Needs
- Re-Imagining Trauma-Informed Practices With Equity
- Scaffolding Success for Students with Disabilities
- Strengths-Based Support for Neurodiverse Learners
- Succeeding with the Struggling Student
- Supporting Struggling Students through High Leverage Practices
- The Gen Ed Guide to Special Ed
- Trauma-Sensitive Teaching: Helping Students Overcome Adverse Experiences
Teaching Excellence
- Be the Teacher You Want to Be
- Communication and Effective Caregiver-Teacher Conferences
- Creating Transformative Professional Development
- Engaging Parents for Student Success
- Ethics and Guiding Principles in Counseling
- Exploring Career Readiness with Students
- MTSS for Student Success
- Parent Trap: Achieving Success with Difficult Parents & Difficult Situations
- Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness
- School Nursing Practices for the 21st Century
- Teach Like a Champ: Effective Strategies for an Engaged Classroom
- Tools for Today’s School Counselors
- What Great Teachers Do