Complimentary Professional Development for RISE Participants

About Teaching Channel

When we say we understand your needs at Teaching Channel, we mean it. Our team is comprised of hundreds of educators who create learning experiences that help teachers thrive and perform at their best so their students can, too. We’ve been where you are and can’t wait to help you achieve more as a teacher.

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Professional development courses and learning experiences matched to your teachers' needs

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1,500+ videos of award-winning teachers sharing their classroom strategies and techniques

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Video coaching to support self-reflection, peer feedback, mentoring and teacher growth

Your Complimentary
"Extra Learning" Options...

As a thank you for your participation in RISE Training 2023, we want to offer you a choice of an additional learning opportunity from Teaching Channel:

  • Four, 10-hour online, self-paced, professional development courses with a Letter of Completion upon finishing:
    • PD 137: Ten Amazing Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners
    • PD 130: Family Engagement and Parent Communication For Student Success
    • PD 134: Positive and Proactive Strategies for Classroom Management
    • PD 140: Educational Access for All: Universal Design for Learning


  • A 6-month subscription to Teaching Channel’s ENGAGE Video Library


Fill out this form to choose your complimentary offering - or scroll down to read more about each product.

EVOLVE: Professional Development on Demand

EVOLVE: Professional Development on Demand

Our professional development courses cover trending topics that meet the needs of teachers hoping to apply their learning in the classroom the very next day.

  • Ideal for those seeking professional development hours
  • These online courses often meet license renewal requirements in many states
  • Packed with resources, these quiz-based 10-hour courses provide new learning for those working with students every day
  • Receive a Teaching Channel Letter of Completion documenting hours earned

ENGAGE Video Library: 1500+ Exemplar Videos

Teachers can feel isolated only knowing what happens within their own classroom walls or school building. With ENGAGE Video Library, teachers have unlimited access to best-in-class teaching across the U.S. and beyond. Just a few clicks can trigger new approaches and ideas to be implemented the very next day.

  • Videos feature award-winning teachers
  • Videos provide ideas for interactive student activities
  • Videos are searchable by topic area
ENGAGE Video Library: 1500+ Exemplar Videos

Explore Free Teacher Resources

Instructional High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities

3 Ways to Handle a Chatty Classroom

Increasing Student Voice Using Tech Tools

Teaching Channel is a division of K12 Coalition, an organization whose mission is of Teaching for the Greater Good. Our wide-ranging products and services help solve the complex challenges that can hinder teacher recruitment, morale, performance and classroom impact. From alternative certification to continuing education and professional development to custom solutions for schools and institutions, we are a group of educators from diverse backgrounds and professional experiences committed to making a difference in our schools and kids’ lives.