OK, since you clicked on this quiz, we’re going to make an educated assumption: You live with at least one cat. We bet it’s cute, too. Quick question, though. Your buddy harbors some quirky, if not downright unexplainable behavioral traits, right?
Turns out, cat personalities mirror individual teaching styles. If you think we’re kidding, let’s travel back 12,000-plus years, when Neolithic farmers domesticated the African wildcat. At that point in history, a universal truth about our feline friends manifested. That is,there is no such thing as an ordinary cat. And, well, the same universal tenet rings true for educators.
Yes, perhaps you’ve never clawed a couch to fluffy bits. And maybe you’re not all that enamored with laser pointers. Perhaps tuna isn’t exactly your lunch of choice. Nevertheless, the teachers we know, like cats, understand the importance of balancing grace and accountability. Both parties adapt but maintain their values no matter what, and sometimes they have to use unorthodox methods to get a point across.
The question is: Which cat personality matches your unique teaching style?
On the first day of school, which is your most important goal?
Choose the fictional cat you like most.
Movie night! Which of these titles do you pick?
What does your best day look like?
Which description most accurately describes your personality?
The Dog-Cat
This means that you, as a teacher, absorb and apply everything you learn about classroom management and pedagogical techniques. You store all that information in your mind, so that no matter what the day has in store, you’re ready. You might be a popular teacher who has earned the favorability of both students and colleagues.
You show your kids love and dedication every day. It’s time you learn how to do that for yourself — which is why we recommend our PD course Connection and Calming Strategies for Today’s Teachers.
The Friendly Feline
As a teacher, you show kindness every single day—to the kids, to the parents, to the other teachers, and to the admins. We don’t mean to stereotype, but we’re betting you put spiders outside instead of squashing them with a textbook. In several unexplained meteorological events, rainbows have appeared over your head. Either way, it’s that general goodness that inspired you to become an educator. Your kids are lucky to have you.
You show your kids love and dedication every day. It’s time you learn how to do that for yourself — which is why we recommend our PD course The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Learning.
The Cavalier Kitten
This feline friend shares much in common with veteran teachers who’ve experienced every classroom chaos imaginable. Their calm demeanor allows them to handle the drama with graceful aplomb. While no teacher is immune to the emotional taxation inherent with the gig, you know how to let unavoidable issues slide.
You show your kids love and dedication every day. It’s time you learn how to do that for yourself — which is why we recommend our PD course Reclaiming Your Passion for Teaching with Balance and Bandwidth.
The Houseplant Hater
So how does this personality profile line up with teaching styles? Surely you’re not going around eating devil’s ivy or chucking philodendrons against the wall. No, this connection means that you’re willing to throw out old rules and arbitrary standards in favor of the classroom you want to create. While you adhere to the curriculum, you understand that your chief responsibility remains teaching students, not preset criteria that don’t account for individuals’ unique needs.
You show your kids love and dedication every day. It’s time you learn how to do that for yourself — which is why we recommend our PD course Goodbye Teacher Burnout, Welcome Teacher Wellness.
The M&M Cat
Most of us hear this wisdom during teacher trainings: It’s easier to become more lenient as the school year progresses. And no doubt, those first school days are so crucial in setting expectations and establishing authority. But while your style may read as traditional at first, behind the dominant persona there’s a teacher who loves to see their students have a wonderfully fun time at school.
You show your kids love and dedication every day. It’s time you learn how to do that for yourself — which is why we recommend our PD course Creating a Positive and Organized Educational Environment.