Looking for an easy way to include mindfulness for stress reduction in your day? Try a mantra. This downloadable provides all the information you need to create your own.
Before you begin, consider a word, phrase, or syllable that is calm, peaceful, or comforting. It can also be a phrase you wish to focus your energy on during that session. For instance, if you don’t feel you look your best one day, choose “I am beautiful,” “let it go,” or “love.” I chose “I am grateful,” and humming a low note. This is truly your choice. There are 3 options above if you are stuck!
Step 1: Prepare Your Body
Sit quietly in a calm place and make yourself comfortable so you can devote all energy to focusing on the mantra. Place your hands on your knees or the floor, whatever is most comfortable.
Step 2: Become Aware of Your Breaths
Pay attention to the depth or shallow breaths and begin to slow them down, and make them deep breaths. Begin with with 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds breathe out, and move up until I can do 10 seconds in, 10 seconds out. Just breathe until you can pace your breath intentionally.
Step 3: Breathe Your Mantra
Call to mind the word, phrase, or syllable you’d like to use as today’s mantra. Begin by breathing in slowly to the count of 5 (work up to a higher number as you practice). As you let your breath out, speak or draw out your phrase through the whole exhale. Repeat this as many times as you like, keeping your focus on your breath and the mantra you are sharing with the universe.