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October 30, 2018

Skating Through Cold and Flu Season (Infographic)


Schools are breeding grounds for germs that can make you sick, from the sniffles to the flu, but we can help you spin past them. We’ve compiled a list of tips for staying healthy and germy places to avoid so you can glide through the school year without getting sick!

Jump into Prevention 

Check cold and flu germs from the start!

Wash Your Hands Well

Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. 1 (opens in new window) Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.

Get Enough Rest

Sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on immune function.  2 (opens in new window)

Get Vaccinated

The seasonal flu vaccine lowers your risk of getting the flu by half.  1 (opens in new window)

Change When You Get Home

Bacteria and viruses at school can hitch a ride home on your clothes.  3 (opens in new window)

Don’t Touch Your Face

Touching your eyes, nose or mouth spreads germs. 1 (opens in new window) Be sure to cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing!

Use Your Own Writing Utensils

You never know what germs could lurk on someone else’s pencil.  4 (opens in new window)

Eat Plenty of Protein and Vitamins

Good nutrition is essential to a strong immune system. 5 (opens in new window)

Disinfect Surfaces and Objects

Enlist your students to help wipe down desks, keyboards, door handles and other surfaces a couple of times a day. 

Go Figure: Avoiding Hidden Germs at School

Your school’s germiest places may surprise you, but with some expert foot work, you can easily skate past them.

Sample Location (Colony Forming Units / in sq.)

  • Water Fountain Spigot (classroom) 2,700,000
  • Water Fountain Spigot (cafeteria) 62,000
  • Plastic Reusable Cafeteria Tray 33,800
  • Faucet (cold water handle) 32,000
  • Faucet (hot water handle) 18,000
  • Cafeteria Plate 15,800
  • Keyboard (classroom) 3,300
  • Toilet Seat 3,200
  • Student’s Hand 1,200
  • Animal Cage 1,200

Take Care of Yourself, Champ!

Working through an illness won’t win you a gold medal. This cold and flu season, take extra care to prevent the spread of germs and listen to your body. If you’re sick, stay home and rest; it’s better for your health and keeps you from spreading an illness.


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