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January 1, 2023

Teaching with Bill Nye the Science Guy

Especially if you’re a millennial teacher, you might cherish fond memories of Bill Nye, known affectionately and forever as The Science Guy. Even today, once that TV cart rolls through the classroom door, many students become giddy with delight. But if kids appreciate Mr. Nye, rest assured that educators share that adoration.

That’s because the Science Guy sparks the curiosity and wonder of science. No longer are exothermic reactions and planetary alignment droll topics of discussion. Instead, his lessons make learning this precious information a source of endless fascination. And truth be told, Bill Nye’s teaching remains as relevant today as it was in the 90s. Perhaps even more so.

That said, let’s get started teaching with Bill Nye the Science Guy. What will he help your kids discover about our communities, our world, and our universe?

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Teaching Videos

There’s a whole bunch to love about the Science Guy. (That bowtie is a real fashion statement, after all.) But what we admire most is his otherworldly ability to explain heavy concepts to kids in a fun and digestible manner. And these teaching videos do exactly that.

Bill Nye Teaches the Science of Heat

Wait, cold objects have heat? Even ice? Yes, and Bill Nye the Science Guy explains this fact in a clear and fun way. It’s all a matter of molecules. The faster those puppies move, the hotter the object. Of course, there’s temperature and heat energy, with the latter being measured in the volume of molecules that exist within an item. So, in this way, an iceberg would have more heat energy than a lit match.

Bill Nye Teaches Static Electricity

Have your students ever asked you how and why they shocked something simply by touching it? Or why a balloon rubbed on someone’s head makes their hairs stand on end? While you might not have a Vandergrift Generator in your classroom, this video explains the effects of repelling electrical charges on the body.

Bill Nye Teaches Evolution

Evolution doesn’t have to be a controversial topic. It’s part of how all of us got here, and that fact need not negate anyone’s spiritual beliefs. That said, Mr. Nye does a fantastic job explaining evolution (specifically adaptation) to young people. He explains how a rapidly changed environment can become hostile to a species.

Bill Nye Teaches Planets and Moons

Your kids might be amazed to realize that they’re standing on a spinning rock. In fact, if our planet stopped spinning for a microsecond, humans would suddenly go flying through the air. Thanks to gravity and Earth’s consistent rotation, that doesn’t happen. See how Mr. Nye uses simple tools to teach kids how this miracle of science works.

Bill Nye Teaches Blood and Circulation

When you stand up, the blood in your head flows down to the rest of your body. In this video, Bill teaches how the circulation system works — specifically, what happens when a person enters a zero-gravity environment.

Bill Nye Teaches Reptiles

Why is it that reptiles feel warm to the touch, even though they’re cold-blooded? The Science Guy explains how that happens through expended energy. Also, your students might find it quite neat to learn how scales function pretty much like a suit of armor.

Bill Nye Teaches Magnetism

Did you know the Aurora Borealis is actually magnetism? Also, were you aware that compasses function via magnetic fields? If you go to a planet that contains no magnetism, such as Venus, the atmosphere will render a compass completely useless.


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