What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “goal setting?” Do you roll your eyes and add it to the bottom of your to-do list, or are you the type of person who loves setting new goals? We are here to help you find ways to set AND achieve your goals!

We have all probably used SMART goals at some point or another. This is a good way to set goals if you can define your objective and have a clear deadline. Check out this video for a quick SMART goals refresher!
Sometimes our goals don’t quite fit the SMART goal criteria. That is where PACT goal planning comes into play. PACT stands for Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous, Trackable. PACT goals focus on output. This type of goal planning works especially well for long-term goals because it focuses on continuous growth and who doesn’t love that?
Look at the difference of the same goal below but using the two different approaches.
Which goal seems more reasonable and something you can control? I will take PACT goal for 500 please, Alex!
Let’s look at what each of the components of PACT mean:
Purposeful: Your goals should serve a purpose in your current situation and in your vision for the future. When you find a goal with purpose and it is meaningful to you, you are more likely to want to work towards that goal.
Actionable: Your goals should have outcomes that you can focus on now and be something within your control. Take action now instead of always planning so much to do in the future.
Continuous: This is where you can focus on continuous growth and improvement towards your goals! Make the actions toward your goals simple. You do not want to give yourself too many options that you run into choice paralysis though. It’s okay if you find out some actions aren’t moving you in the right direction, you can always change your approach and focus on a new action.
Trackable: Use the “yes” or “no” approach to track your goals. Have I published my weekly YouTube video? Yes or No? It becomes easier to determine if you have done your actions throughout the day that are leading you to your long-term goals.
Now, think of a goal you’d like to achieve- personal or professional. Once you have your goal set, think of the actions you need to take in order the reach that goal. These actions should be easy to start right away and simple to complete. Use the “yes” or “no” approach and keep a daily tab on how you are progressing. Check out this PACT Goal Tracker to help you stay on track with your goals! Remember, sometimes we hit a few bumps in the road and don’t quite accomplish what we want, when we want. That’s OK- we are human, and life happens. Just don’t give up!