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April 19, 2021

Learning Across Lines of Difference

“Reweaving A Peaceful, Equitable, Just World Starts In Our Classrooms”

Civics education matters now more than ever. Learning about one another across lines of difference, understanding new perspectives, and engaging in meaningful and peaceful conversation is essential for us to come together as a society. Regardless of our beliefs, we are all human. We are all one species. To create a more equitable, just, peaceful world, we’ve got to come together. What better place to start than in our classrooms? 

Here are three practical, actionable ways to get started in our own lives, and right in the heart of our classrooms. All while integrating math and literacy goals, too!

Light Your Own Inspiration Candle

As we strive to support our students in becoming engaged citizens, we’ve got to make sure we’re in a healthy mindset ourselves. This Teaching Unit has some inspiration for any moment or feeling. 

Educators matter. You matter. As educators can hear otherwise from all directions, this unit can help us stay grounded in the reality that great teaching is absolutely essential for an engaged, collaborative society to thrive. This unit can help us remember how to stay passionate, curious, peaceful, and equity-focused in our journey. 

Seek Out A New Perspective

No matter how much we strive to seek out new perspectives, the journey is never ending. Why not learn about someone new today? Someone you may have never otherwise learned about? Schedule a call or meeting to just listen and learn.

As we encourage our students to learn about new perspectives and practice listening, it’s essential we practice this effort to keep that inspiration candle burning strong. Brightening our own candle can give us the confidence and courage to persist in working toward a more equitable, just, and peaceful world — and to help others (our students, our families, and beyond) light their candle as well. We’ve got to have complex conversations with one another if we want to move forward towards a more beautiful world.

Weave Civics And Academics Together

If you’re thinking, “Great, but how in the world will I fit this in with everything I have to do already?” We hear you. Learn more about how you can bring this kind of perspective-seeking right into the heart of academics — and even your math class

Global Social Emotional Learning and Civics Education can’t live in a separate silo from math and literacy. Let’s weave these important concepts and themes right into the heart of our academic school day.


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