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January 12, 2022

A New Course to Relieve Stress, Boost Productivity, and Make the Most of Your Time

Picture this scene…it’s 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. You hang up the phone after a parent phone call and look around your classroom. Scraps of paper litter the floor, your desk is barely visible beneath a mountain of student work, and next week’s lesson plan book lies blank atop the mess. You’re so exhausted you could fall asleep with a stack of Unit 5 tests for a pillow! What do you do next?

Do you grab some coffee from the lounge for caffeinated energy and power through? You manage to get everything done and get ready for next week, but you end up missing the gathering with friends you’ve been looking forward to all week.

Or, do you heave the contents of your desk into your rolling tote bag and bring everything home, where it sits collecting dust until Sunday evening, when you spend hours grading and prepping for another week?

Maybe you drag yourself home to the couch, where you fall asleep watching Friends at 8:00. You plan to arrive early Monday morning to get everything ready, but you oversleep! You begin the week harried and stressed, and the cycle begins again…

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? Are you tired of living this way? If so, you’re not alone! Between preparing engaging lessons, supporting families, meetings, committee responsibilities, not to mention grading and paperwork, there is too much to do and not enough time for everything! If you’ve dreamed of leaving school at the end of your contracted hours, spending more time with friends and family, taking better care of yourself, or finally getting off the hamster wheel and getting ahead, we have the course for you!

In our new course, 5142: Time Management Strategies for Educators, you’ll develop a better understanding of how you currently spend your time, learn how to prioritize tasks, and boost productivity by maximizing your energy and attention. You’ll gain ideas to overcome common challenges, like procrastination and maintaining boundaries. But this journey isn’t a solo trek—you’ll also help students build effective habits and collaborate with colleagues and families to cultivate healthy and sustainable practices.

But that’s not all…because we know there’s no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to time management, this course places you in charge of your learning! In the style of the Choose Your Own Adventure book series, you’ll find scenarios and decision points throughout the course. Based on your needs and interests, you’ll choose which resources to review and activities to complete, developing strategies to become less stressed and more productive. 

Real Talk

The course text, Real Talk About Time Management: 35 Best Practices for Educators, includes tips you can apply right away. We’ve also curated articles and videos from experts, so you can select the ideas that resonate with your personality style and goals. As we begin a new year, it’s the perfect time to try innovative ideas to use your time effectively and make more time for what matters most…so, what are you waiting for? Explore our website to register for 5142: Time Management Strategies for Educators


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