Engaging Parents for Student Success

Course 5844

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What you will learn:

  •  Use provided prompts specific to family engagement in education to describe assumptions and insights of practitioners, researchers and self, including how the information relates to professional educational practice. 
  • Design and analyze classroom tools that will assist parents in understanding the importance of their role in the education of their student, personalize opportunities for engagement and increase communication. 
  • Prepare an activity to collaborate with families or colleagues on conferences or home visits. 
  • Develop an implementation plan to create new opportunities for family engagement. 
  • Develop resources for families or colleagues to challenge the status quo related to family engagement. 
  • Document, in writing, strengths and assets of families.
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Graduate-Level Continuing Education Course for Teachers

While you should always follow any pre-approval requirements in your district, we have helped thousands of educators across the country earn advancement on their district’s salary scale and meet their relicensing needs. Review your state requirements and learn how we can support you in your salary advancement and recertification needs. 

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