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June 15, 2018

Project Based Learning – Getting Started! [VIDEO]

How might your classroom look different next school year? If you’re ready to embrace Project-Based Learning, we’d love to share some strategies!

[Video Transcript]

Project-based learning, or PBL, is a way to engage students through empowerment and student interest. Students are involved from beginning to end.

Project-based learning starts with an essential question, which can be determined by the students or by the teacher. The students use inquiry as they drive their knowledge and their learning towards answering that
essential question.

Students have voice and choice of how that project goes. And they learn as they need to know, instead of being disconnected from the content. They then revise and reflect on their learning. And then finally they present
to an authentic audience.

Truly the topic or essential question can vary as much as the learning styles within the classroom. It could be improvements to a school lunch program, or suggestions for an infrastructure improvement.

A classroom, to an outsider, seems messy and chaotic, and that’s because the students are shifting from the receiving of information to the actual learning of the information.

The most important pieces are that essential question and that teachers really do serve as a facilitator.

Simply put, PBL is student driven problem solving. And as schools across the nation are finding out, PBL promises to be one of the most engaging and relevant collaborative learning experiences that your students will ever participate in.

Be sure to subscribe to the Learners Edge blog and receive more teaching tips you can use in your classroom.

If you’re looking for a continuing education course that will let you dive into the details of Project-based Learning, check-out Course 5856: Project Based Learning: Create, Collaborate, Innovate!

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