The Water Princess:
Land and Water
Instructional Guide & Toolkit
Developed for Teaching Channel by award-winning science teacher, Kathy Renfrew, this robust unit plan and instructional guide will help your students understand the relationships and connections between landforms, oceans, and clean drinking water using Susan Verde’s book, The Water Princess.

Designed for early elementary school learners, The Water Princess Land and Water Instructional Guide helps students understand key concepts about land, water, and conserving resources while addressing the challenges the faced in the story. Students will gain knowledge that the Earth can be represented in many different models, as well as the skills to identify landforms, global bodies of water, and the availability of freshwater.
Inside this 36-page instructional guide, you’ll find:
- A unit overview with learning standards
- 15 detailed lesson plans for 45-60 minute sessions
- Customizable templates and printable resources
- Everything you need for successful instruction

In addition to the instructional guide, Kathy has created a 15-page teacher toolkit to be your companion throughout the unit. Along with creator insights from Kathy, in The Water Princess Land and Water Toolkit, you’ll find expanded explanations of the strategies used, tips for successful instruction throughout the unit, and a section to record notes as you work through the instructional guide.
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