Your MEA Special Offer is Just a Few Clicks Away!

The best way to get to know Teaching Channel is to experience Teaching Channel.

As a Minnesota founded company, we couldn’t be more excited to get to know new Minnesota educators. We’d like to introduce ourselves by offering a free one-credit graduate level course to any teachers who are new to Teaching Channel, so you can accelerate your learning and your career. 

The details on your free course

  • Select American College of Education as your university partner
  • Applicable to Minnesota licensed educators
  • Must hold a Bachelors degree to enroll in a graduate level course
  • Only valid for new Teaching Channel (formerly Learners Edge) learners
  • Non-refundable and extensions are not allowed
  • Redeem and register for complimentary course on or before October 31, 2023
  • Only valid on one credit courses. Value may not be applied toward 2 or 3 credit courses
  • Applicable to 12+ one-credit offerings

Ready to jump in and begin registration? 
Complete the form on the right to request your promo code!


Request Your Promotion Code for your Complimentary 1-Credit Course! ​

Complete this form and watch your email inbox!