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February 1, 2024

Reimagining Work-Life Balance

In February's EQUIP webinar led by former teacher Julie Kuntz, the discussion centered on reimagining work-life balance, offering practical insights to combat teacher burnout. Instead of viewing balance as a rigid scale, Julie encourages individuals to give themselves grace and prioritize tasks without unnecessary stress, advocating for stacking priorities, and learning to say no where possible, fostering a sustainable work routine.

This webinar stresses the importance of finding an accountability partner at school to help educators unplug during off-time. By setting boundaries and having a colleague serve as an advocate, individuals can navigate the challenges of work-life balance, mitigating burnout and fostering a healthier, more fulfilling professional life. The webinar serves as a roadmap for educators to personalize their approach, understanding that work-life balance is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a journey toward prioritization and well-being.


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