A trauma-informed approach emphasizes that a student is hurt, not bad, and that although their behavior is disruptive and problematic it’s an adaptive response to their environment. They are not broken, so we don’t have to fix them. Learn key steps from Christie Badry and Wendy Amato for integrating a trauma-informed approach across your district so that every adult is ready to help support students who need the most care.
Our Guest

Christie Badry is passionate about supporting teachers and leaders to further their understanding of trauma-informed approaches, inclusion, and supporting complex and challenging students. Christie is currently serving her district as a district coordinator. You can connect with Christie @ChristieBadry on Twitter.

Dr. Wendy Amato earned her Master’s in Education and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Virginia. She holds an MBA from James Madison University. Wendy began teaching in 1991, has served as a Middle School Administrator, and still teaches at UVA’s School of Education. She has delivered teacher professional development workshops and student leadership workshops in the US and internationally. Wendy and her family live near Charlottesville, Virginia.
Continue Learning
Professional Learning
3-credit continuing education course: From Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Invested: Creating a Culture of Safety
- Watch a webinar with tips and tricks for Social-Emotional Learning for school leaders
- Building Relationships: Share Passion with Students
- Build Relationships: Teach More Than ‘Just Math’
6 Ideas to Support Students in a Fight, Flight, Freeze Response from Christie Badry and Andrea Gutmann