Provide Immediate & Targeted Feedback for Teachers Through Teaching Channel's EMPOWER Platform
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The EMPOWER Platform has provided an opportunity for the teachers of Gainesville ISD to receive personal feedback through video-based instructional coaching.
Featuring LaCreasha Stille, Assistant Superintendent, of Gainesville ISD in Texas.
Watch as ed leader, LaCreasha Stille discusses how Gainesville ISD is able to provide all of her educators with the immediate and personalized feedback they need to grow by utilizing video-based self-reflection and instructional coaching through Teaching Channel’s EMPOWER Platform.

Obstacle: Consistent Feedback for Teachers
Education leaders aimed to offer tailored instructional coaching to teachers but struggled to deliver quality feedback consistently across all classrooms.
Gainesville ISD boasts a diverse range of educators, from newcomers to seasoned professionals, each with their own strengths and areas for development. However, administrators could not personally observe and coach every teacher regularly due to time and distance constraints. Consequently, they were urgently seeking a solution to bridge this gap.
Solution: Provide Instruction to All Teachers Through Video Coaching
Utilize the Teaching Channel Platform to provide teachers with the individualized support they need to succeed in the classroom.
With the EMPOWER Platform, district and school leaders give frequent and individualized feedback to all teachers based on their unique needs. Moreover, utilizing video allows teachers to self-reflect on their classroom performance, empowering them to identify areas for improvement and strive toward their professional goals. LaCreasha and her team have observed that teachers are more receptive to feedback when they can see their practice on film, as opposed to solely receiving verbal feedback.
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Impact: Video Coaching Ensures Sustainability for Schools and Districts
The Platform supports a culture shift in districts to one of continuous feedback, growth, and learning. The impact on Gainesville ISD has surpassed expectations.
Initially, LaCreasha found it challenging to persuade teachers to record themselves. However, once they embraced video coaching, its effectiveness exceeded all expectations. What sets the EMPOWER Platform apart is its enduring impact. Gainesville ISD has curated a comprehensive video library showcasing exemplary teaching practices, accessible to all educators. Reflection, a cornerstone of school transformation, is made possible daily through the Platform.
Encouraging reflective teaching practices, the Platform aligns with Gainesville’s commitment to ongoing instructional development. When teachers feel supported, they’re more likely to remain within the system, fostering collective growth. Moreover, the platform extends its positive influence beyond teachers to all educators in Gainesville. Education leaders utilize the platform for self-reflection and peer feedback, ensuring continuous support district-wide.
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Peer-to-Peer Collaboration


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Teacher Observation & Evaluation