Fremont School District Substitute Teachers

Professional Development Courses

Substitute Teacher Training offered by Fremont County SD #25

This onsite, in-person training consists of 14 hours of training modules.
 Video Content

Substitute Training offered by Fremont County SD #25 through Teaching Channel

This virtual training consists of 10 hours of training modules.
We are together

Getting Started is Easy as 1, 2, 3

This ten-hour professional development course aims to provide the information, resources, and skills substitute teachers need to answer the call. Filled with downloadable tools, the course also includes information on the role and responsibilities of a substitute teacher. Participants will learn mindsets like professionalism, flexibility, and understanding which are key to substitute success. 

Create Your Teaching Channel Account

Purchase Your Course

Once the course is completed, please bring your certificate to FCSD #25 and the district will reimburse the $99.
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Join K12 Hub

Additional free resources are waiting for you at K12 Hub—from blogs to webinars to downloadable classroom aids and more.