Back-to-School Webinars
#1: Re-establishing Classroom Routines, Norms, and Group Behaviors
Students of all ages, grades, and locations will appreciate the investment you make during back-to-school in setting everyone up for success. We believe that students want to engage and be empowered. These specific recommendations, operational considerations, how-tos and strategies with examples across grades will ensure that you and your students start off strong.
Moderator Dr. Wendy Amato was joined by Augustana University's Dr. Kathleen Cook and Dr. Brad Uhing.
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#2: Differentiation to Combat Learning Loss and Accelerate Learning
We know that each student learns differently. That reality is more important than ever as we return to school to resume unfinished learning. Investigate specific strategies for varied readiness, interests, learning profiles, and affect. See video examples of instructional techniques that work and inspire students. Identify the priorities and related action steps you want to address.
Moderator Dr. Wendy Amato was joined by Dr. Emily Davis, the Founder of Teacher Development Network.
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#3: What to Watch For and How to Respond: Focusing on SEL This Year
Even the teachers with the best intentions can miss signs and indicators of students who need our help. While the return to school this fall will be filled with celebration, we must also be attentive to the impact of the past two school years and pay special attention to the social and emotional needs of our learners. See examples across grade levels and take away strategies that will support your return to school this year.
Moderator Dr. Wendy Amato was joined by Dr. Mike Rivas, a Professor at California State University, Northridge.
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#4: Investing in Student Relationships, Peer-to-Peer Culture, Belonging, & Psychological Safety
When we talk about relationships with students, we’re really talking about their relationship to our classrooms. Explore how your classroom can communicate belonging and “flow” (that state of deep involvement in an activity). See video examples of classroom moments. Refresh your strategies for showing students that something worthwhile is happening in your classroom, and they are part of it.
Moderator Dr. Wendy Amato was joined by Teach Like A Champion author Doug Lemov.
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Back-to-school and back-to-students we love! Your students and their families will thank you for using the strategies, tools, and recommendations from this webinar series. Join for as many webinars as you like, enjoy the downloadables, and be ready to bring in the new school year with confidence and joy.